I’m Wally
The Wooly Weeder
I’m part of a climate solution! I’m a regenerative vineyard weeder at Beltane Ranch. My flock feeds on cover crops, native grasses and invasive weeds, controlling fire fuels, encouraging biodiversity, sequestering carbon and enhancing soils. And looking good while doing it!
I was born on Valentine’s Day. My mom, Emmy Lou, is a Southdown Babydoll sheep. I was the second twin born and she didn’t realize I was her baby. Luckily though, Alex & Kelly, here at Beltane Ranch, stepped in with bottles and snuggles and all the love I need; I’m doing great!
I’m learning to contribute to the team, but I still rely on bottles to stay healthy. Because of that, I’ve gotten to know Alex and Kelly really well. I’m having so much fun running through the mustard flowers, trying the eat kale in the garden and following them around.
Come visit me at Beltane Ranch and learn about the benefits of regenerative agriculture!